Hi everyone. I had my fingers crossed that I wouldn't get morning
sickness and for the first 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant I
felt OK. In the past week I've started to have bouts of nausea,
sometimes severe, at various times of the day. I really can't figure
out if it's pregnany nausea or just anxiety nausea.

I don't know if you other emets are like me, but in stressful
situations I often get nauseated. For a long time a few years ago, I
had to stop going to restaurants because I would feel like v***ing as
soon as I sat down at the table. My doc put my on antodepressants for
anxiety, which really helped the nausea, but they had other side
effects and I ended up going off them. Since I went off (nearly 2 years
ago) the nausea has been a lot better, but I'm just as emetophobic as
before. As soon as I start to feel sick my whole body goes into panic
mode. If I'm not at home it's even worse and I need to isolate myself
near a bathroom, which is not always possible.

So basically that I can't tell if this nausea is real or psychosomatic,
and it's driving me nuts. If it's real, I'm really scared because
apparently it gets worse as I get farther along. If it's not
real, then I really need to find a way to control it. In either case,
it makes me unable to work—luckily I'm freelance and work mostly at
home, but I have to take a 2 week business trip next week and I'm
really scared my nausea will put me in awkard or embarrassing
situations (like not being able to eat meals with colleagues, etc.)
Since I'm not telling anyone I'm pregnant until the 3 month mark, I
have to find excuses if I don't feel well.

Sorry to unload all this but I need to talk and there's no one I can
tell. My husband knows I'm afraid to v*** and can't stand to see other
people do it, but he doesn't know how serious my phobia is because I've
kept it mostly hidden from him. It's just to embarrassing to talk

Does anyone else have some advice for me? Please?