Felt icky all day....calked it up to anxiety.
then as day wore on nausea got worse felt really tired and at one point thought 'oh my it's about to happen' it didn't. The though of food is very unappealable. I feel quite sick now. Just been for a bm and it was normal. I don't have cramps and I've not got any pain .but I do certainly feel nauseous. Ive eaten an entire pack of gum not helping. Also I have had 3 cyclizine tablets (can't have any more) they haven't worked.
Still overriding still feeling blegh.
please someone talk to me I feel like my body just needs to get out but I can't be ill as I'm at work and can't take any time off. Also chat function on here doesn't work for me so can anyone please help me out.
i don't want to start scratching myself again. I've come so far.