So, after 13 years, it happened a few times last night.

I'm thinking the cause is my diet. I've had a terrible week of horribly fatty foods; the night before last my friend and I binged on pizza, and I had a slice for breakfast yesterday. I woke up (yesterday) with a terrible sore throat and just didn't feel right the whole day. A little nauseous, unwell, etc. For dinner my mom decided on Chinese food. I didn't have any at first and then I thought I was well enough to have some....

Anyway, a few hours later it happened. I had those tell-tale signs; getting really hot, the excess saliva, and I dry heaved first. I bolted out to my deck because I thought I was just panicking, but then it happened.

The actual act of vomiting is not terrible. It's the buildup, our bodies trying to react to what is happening. It makes us feel so much worse than it actually is. And aside from the mild anxiety of shock of, "Holy crap, it happened!" I felt 100x better afterwards.

I'm feeling absolutely fine this morning but I'm still going to be cautious, BRAT diet for me. I think it's my wakeup call to stop eating out and start eating better again. I don't usually eat that bad but it's been one of those weeks...

I'm sorry if this was at all triggering but I want you guys to know it's not the end of the world! You will survive it.