i haven't made a post myself in quite some time, mostly because i had thought that i was completely over my fear a few months ago. ...however, i've always gotten rather nauseous on my period, and that feeling only got more intense the more periods i got. recently, my parents went away to montana to visit some friends, and left me, my sister, and her girlfriend alone for a week. the first day was perfectly fine, and i got my period, i knew what to expect, but at the time my period had been a rather safe time for me, because i had never v* while on it. however, the second (or third, maybe) day, the nausea was intense all day. i take baths each night at 11pm to soothe my nerves and allow my insomnia to die down a bit. i had really thought that i was just having my normal nausea, though it wasn't until 10 pm rolled around that i gave and decided to take my bath early. i waited for the water to fill up, and when i finally got in, immediately felt like gagging. the nausea came in waves, and by around 1 am, i finally got out of the bath and went to lay down in my comfort spot on my bed. this lasted about 20-30 minutes before i had to lean over the bed and v*. i started panicking badly right afterwards, and went to my sister's girlfriend for comfort, i called my mother in montana, and she simply said i was over-exaggerating about not feeling safe anymore (v* made all of my safe factors go away, it was pretty much a relapse.) that didn't help, and eventually i passed out at about 5am when my sister got home from work she and her girlfriend held me for hours until i did, and i refused to eat for the next two days, which only made it worse.

sorry that was lengthy, but i didn't know how else to put it, really. the whole point of this is to ask about some advice for period nausea, is there any way to prevent it, or maybe at least keep me from v* when it happens? whenever i get my period now i just have constant panic attacks until it's over. i'd really really appreciate some help!!!