So today I v*d out of nowhere, and I was totally fine. It was pretty embarrassing though. I was spending the day with my bf and all of a sudden I felt really really n*. So I told him and he tried to help me while I attempted to ride it out. I hadn't eaten enough and it was really hot, so it was pretty normal for me to feel n*, but usually I can just do some deep breathing and then it passes. Not so today however; before I could even register what was happening I v*d all over myself and the floor. He was super sweet about it-he patted my back and said things in a soothing voice the whole time it was happening, and he helped me clean up a bit too. He didn't act disgusted or irritated at all afterwards and reassured me that it happens to everyone. Today's episode was the safest I have ever felt v*ing. It was gross, but I don't feel anxious (I'm actually in a really good mood right now), and since it's happened I've felt perfectly normal physically as well. A very strange and random experience, but I consider my (calm) reaction to it a major triumph!