Guys i just wanted some advice,i take my anti depressant every nite at about 10pm and itdoesn't only helps me sleep but has helped me to overcome agoraphobia and control my aniexty.....basically i forgot to take my tablet last nite and when i realized first thing this morning it said on the packetnot to take missed tabletand take next one as required....the point I'm trying to get to,Is do u think i will be OK missing the it does say if u stop tablets straight away it can make u ill....i know I'm not stopping them completely but just the one.....has anyone else done this.?????....I'ma bit angry with both myself and my mate,who ALWAYS calls me after 10pm and i have said to her in the pass,theres no point calling me after then as the tablet just relaxes me and i get really i find it hard to concentrate....but she refuses to listen to me,and of course last nite she called at 10.03pm to the second and i hadn't took my tablet by then and she didn't get off the phone till midnight and by then i was so tired i completely forgot....I've been out this morning and i was OK while out but i guess I'm just nervous that once the tablet isn't inside my system i will get all those feelings of anxiety and panic attacks back like a vengance....anyway I've waffled a bit but just wanted some advise lol!!!!!

take care Vicky x