Hi, y'all. Usually if I'm posting something off-topic, I'll still put it in general discussion, but this one is so ridiculously off-topic that I put it here. Hopefully someone still sees it that can help me! lol. I've just been looking around *everywhere* online and even posted a question on Yahoo Answers, still to no avail. So maybe someone here can help me. lol

So, like I mentioned in the title, this is about makeup. I'm very pale (my photos don't really do it justice), with freckles, with slight pink undertones. I never tan under any circumstance - not because I don't want to, I just can't. I burn and go back to being pasty white.

This makes it stupid difficult to find a foundation/bb cream/tinted moisturizer that matches me. I have found foundations that "work," but definitely aren't great. If they're okay color-wise, they are heavy and always leave me with a cakey, unnatural finish. When they have a more dewy, natural finish, they are always too orange for me. It's really a drag, especially because I settle for the cakey/fake foundations so that my skin color at least matches the product, but I would kill for a lightweight tinted moisturizer or bb cream because I love natural looks. UGH.

I would just cave and buy a high-end $45 dollar BB cream, but I'm a college student. Just not going to happen. I can't bring myself to do it! Maaaaybe $35. Limit.

Do any of you ladies (or makeup wearing men, I suppose, lol) have any experience with this at all? Do you know of any lightweight foundations/tinted moisturizers/bb creams that work for my skin? I would so appreciate it! xoxoxoxo