ok, iv had the worst 48 hours of my life. i had 3 huge panic attacks at school, in the space of 2 days. iv never ever had them so bad before, and they were really long too! lke an hour long!!

i thort i was jst gnna die, and i think i wished tht i did as well. i nearly fainted 10 times, altho, iv never fdainted before in my life, i felt lke i was gnna v* twice, and i was breathing really heavily. it was pretty damn scary. and for about 2 days, my heart has been lke.. skipping beats, and adding beats in, and then racing, and then slowing down.. its lke.. what are u doing?!?! its quite scary =| i dont understand whats wroing with it ...

as well as this, iv had a really dodgey stomach and bowel system thing [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]really hvent been well at all.

but, my head of sixth form was great, has referred me to the teacher head of welfare, whos going to show me sum coping mechanisms on tuesday to get over the panic attacks.

as well as this, shes an eating disorder specialist. and jsut recently, i went to the doc's and they said i have to be up to 42 kg but the nxt time i see her, but this teacher person told me to completly ignore that. its a loada s***e. lol.

anyway, altho this has really shaken me up, im pleased, because i really feel im getting sum help now that the school hav realised how un-stable i really am.

ill stop blabbing now.

Jen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx