So last night I got very n* a few hours after dinner. I started having the worst night I have had in forever. I had a panic attack that lasted four hours. I ended up getting d* around 2am. I slept on and off all night without anymore d* after the one time. The n* went away too, but the anxiety only let me sleep on and off all night. This afternoon I had another d* episode and now I have cramping. All the muscles in my body are sore from tensing them for so many hours last night. I was laying in bed all day today with a heating pad. I took my temp and is was 100.3 in my ear but 99.9 in my mouth. Does this sound like a sv? My family thinks it's all ibs and anxiety related. I'm afraid to eat today I haven't eaten since last night. I feel weak and shakes but scared to eat now. What are your thoughts?