I'm sure you all immediately understood where I was going with this by the title, but as a result of emetophobia, I'm afraid of alcohol. Very afraid. Now I'm not aspiring to be an alcoholic by any means, but I would like to not be that guy that's afraid to even taste anything. I don't even want to get drunk, but having a mom that brews beer and always asks my opinion on the taste, I'm literally afraid of putting my tongue to the edge of the glass. I guess I'm wondering if anyone's got any rationalizations or reasons as to how or why I can drink without fear, I noticed quite a few people on this forum post about them drinking and I was stunned to see that not every emetophobe is terrified. I know that mass quantities will do it, dehydration, and allergies to certain alcohols, but my main issue is the allergies part. While I know that a drink with a low alcohol content probably wouldn't make me sick from dehydration or quantity, I'm worried about finding out I'm allergic the hard way. That being said, I've never found myself to be allergic to anything, I'm lactose intolerant but I'm pretty sound otherwise. I know this is definitely a case-by-case basis, but any advice is welcomed. I had drank when I was younger and not so severely emetophobic, but nowadays I'm afraid I may have developed some kind of allergy over the years that I won't know about until I try to drink again.