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Thread: Sister is sick?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Sister is sick?

    So my sister (who is 19) V*d earlier tonight. Of course, she didn't tell me this until after I had already hung out with her for a while. I probably spent no more than about 1 hour in close vicinity to her today.
    As far as I know, it only happened once. About half an hour afterwards, she came into my room, and said she was feeling better and that she was going to go out with her friends.

    We share the same tooth paste (different brushes of course!), so I am planning on replacing my brush and getting a new toothpaste just for me.

    What are the chances of me becoming ill do you think? I am going on a big school trip tomorrow that I really do not want to miss (and I definitely do not want to become sick on the bus!). I have taken a pro-biotic, and a spoon of apple-cider vinegar to try and prevent this thing.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by bridget1880; 09-20-2013 at 06:43 AM.



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