I just vomiting several times! It hurt! I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!!!!

I took my nighttime medicine of Phenergan 25mg, Ranitidine 150 and Mirtazapine 15mg 2 hours ago and I still puked! I'm never eating M&Ms, frozen pizza or potatochips again! Those are the things I ate today so I'm erasing them from my diet! I'm NEVER eating again! Every nausea I get I'm going to take it seriously! NO MORE ANXIETY NAUSEA! How do I get the taste out of my mouth?! I don't trust standing up!!!!!

All my nausea is real! I'm going to take 25-50mg of Promethazine in 9 minutes when my stomach is more settled! I"M TIRED OF LIVING! I'm killing myself if I vomit again!!! I didn't remember it being so painful! I was sitting on my chair, slightly tilted over if that matters! Now my intestine are hurting and giving me the urge to poop but I"M NOT MOVING! I hate to take more pills, a lot more pills!

[Graphic warning]


I vomited 4 or 5 times...
3 were quite large and 1-2 Barely anything! It was green.