So I've been thinking a lot this week and I've realised something, although I am still extremely terrified of v* the thing that causes me the most problems is worrying about getting anxious, and then getting anxious as a result. (Sorry the enter key isn't working) This year a lot of my friends are turning 18 which means a lot of parties, even though I love them I get extremely anxious before and during the first hour before I calm down and can enjoy it. I've realised that i'm not actually scared I'm going to be sick or that I have caught something,i know I won't, i'm scared that I will get too anxious which makes me more anxious! Does that make any sense? I feel like my emetophobia has caused me to develop some kind of social anxiety and it is getting unbearable now, to the point that it is stopping me from going out Has anyone else had any experience with this and has any advice I would be greatful because it is so depressing when you want to do something but your body rebels and wont let you!