So me and my boyfriend of 8 months don't get to see each other hardly ever(my mom is very controlling and won't let us be together even though I'm 19) But last night I had a "girls night" And my girl friends took me to his house so we could see each other. He is the only person who knows about my emetophobia so he told me before I came over "No babe. I'm not sick. No one in my family is sick. No there are no germs" Bless his heart lol. Obviously we were kissing and cuddling and everything was peachy. He even made me forget about my anxiety about being around people and "germs" I left around 11 that night. I get home and we talked on the phone around 1 in the morning and he started saying how his chest hurt really bad. I didn't think much about it and went to bed. Then today around 3 he said his stomach hurt and his sides. He took a nap for about 3 hours (the whole time I was in complete panic mode) Then when he woke up he said he was really hungry which made me feel better. But he's been super tired today. We usually stay up till 2 or 3 in the morning talking on the phone but he went to sleep at like 10 because he was so tired. Does this sound like some kind of bug to you? If so how long should I stay away? I have a chance to see him Saturday and I'd really like to see him, but once again, emetophobia wins over