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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Please answer ASAP - What do stomach "bubbling" sounds mean? I'm stressing out!

    My stomach has been bubbling or gurgling (what ever you want to call it) so much today and it's getting worse as the night goes on! It usually only does this when I'm hungry, but I just had a big dinner, so I'm definitely not hungry right now. I didn't eat anything that I've never had before, so it's not like I'm having an allergic reaction. I've had 3 BM's today and the most recent one was almost d* but not quite (sorry TMI). I usually only have one BM each morning. I also have had a lot of gas and feel kind of nauseous.

    Why would this happen? It's stressing me out a lot. Am I going to v*?

    Last edited by k10; 05-01-2013 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Added details



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