Ok, so about an hour ago one of my roommates said her stomach killed but she couldn't tell if she was hungry or not. She had just eaten, so she decided to wait it out and take a shower. Then, when she got out, she said she was having a bit of acid reflux again, and asked me for a couple Tums. This has happened to her lots before, so I wasn't really nervous. But then, just about 10 mins ago, I was in the bathroom and she came in and had bad *d. I'm totally freaking out, feel sick myself now, and am completely convinced that the 4 of us are all doomed to get this bug. I just have a feeling that it's only a matter of time before she *Vs. The 4 of us share one bathroom, and I'm hysterical because there's nowhere else for me to take off to. My parents are actually coming to visit on Thurs and I'll be staying with them, but now I'm just sure that I'm going to get sick before then. Please please help me, I feel so out of control and I don't know what to do!!