Hi. I've recently found this site while searching for help in concurring my mild case of anxiety, so I'm pretty new. I haven't been diagnosed with anything quiet yet, but I don't need a diagnosis to know that my life has been taking the turn for the worse this year. I'm a senior in high school, but most of my classes are at a college campus.

The beginning of the school year started off with sorrow everyday. It seemed my mood would fluctuated constantly within a day, and I soon lost sense of my identity in a way. I felt I was split from happy me and irrationally sad me.

I've always been afraid of v* but not like I am now. My fears first started when I was in the seventh grade. I have a sensitive stomach so I would often have loose bowels in the morning. Haha that's awkward to say. I've learned what I can and cannot eat and regulate my breakfast every morning even now.

All through out middle school and much of high school I would constantly be in the nurses office because of my stomach. The slightest uneasy made me automatically assume I'm sick. I know now that's not always the case and I intensify my own nausea.

My anxiety levels increase when I started the new semester this year. I remember I went to my first class and had my first experience of panic due to social situations. I've never been scared of going to class before than. I'm not sure what changed over the break but I feel like a completely different person. My anxiety attacks would come and go, and finally one day I had enough of it. At the time I didn't know what they were, so I asked my friend if she's ever felt that way. She told me yes and that I was having an anxiety attack. I remember when she told me this my heart sunk and I wanted to cry because I was finally coming to the realization that my anxiety is out of control. Even typing this makes me want to cry. I've been struggling all year with this problem and only told a few people. All they do it pity me. She also told me how she had fought social anxiety for years, and she would always escape to the restroom to cry and try to calm down. That also hit home because I've done the same thing. Talking to people of authority, people I like, in a situation where I cant leave, or speaking in front of people escalates my anxiety.

It wasn't unless a couple weeks ago that my fear of v* and my anxiety have intertwined into a hell storm.

When I was in class I would suddenly get nauseous and have to leave, and if I couldn't I would freak out and have an attack. The anxiety was uncontrollable. I've been trying to help myself with research and auto-recordings but I'm not sure if they're going the trick.

So now I have a presentation to do on the 25th of March and my worst fear is v* in front of everyone. I know I'm bringing all of this anxiety on to myself, but it's hard to control in the heat of the moment. I'm hoping by taking antacids it will relieve any early signs of nausea that will lead on to an anxiety attack, but there is a possibility I will cause myself to think I'm sick.

Any advice?

Any tricks?

Anyone else been in this situation?