Hey. Wow. Haven't used this site in three years, I've had ups and downs but I've been able to sort through everything well enough to not need it.

I'm in high school now and the flu is going around, as always. I've tried to be really careful, but it's impossible to avoid sick people; a few days ago a girl was violently coughing all over my hair. Yeah...not much fun.
Still, I take care to always wash my hands before I eat, use hand sanitizer, and all that jazz. Anyways. Tonight, I felt like I had to use the bathroom, but nothing happened so I took a shower. I get out of the shower and I suddenly have this intense abdominal cramp all over. It was like heartburn but all over my body. It then turned into a strong gas pain, I used the bathroom, no d* or anything, and I came back. The pains are still there in waves. I'm really freaking out right now, I might sound calm over text but I'm sitting here bawling. I can't handle this. I really can't. I'm praying and wishing on every star that I'm not sick -- I haven't had any symptoms, but my last bout of sv* which was over three years ago started pretty suddenly too. I really kind of want to crawl up and die. Can someone help me at least calm down and explore my options as to what it might be? I can handle d*, but if it comes to v*, I will fight for my life before I go down.