I have some type of insomnia as I can barely sleep properly, if at all sometimes. So I take my phone to bed with me now and have been doing so for the past 8 months. I thought maybe the phone was the reason I wasn't sleeping properly but I went through a week without taking it to bed with me once and I still couldn't sleep. Anyway, my phone usage concerns me. OK, this is going to sound REAL absurd and crazy but I'm kinda worried about the radiation that's emitted from them and now I'm worried it's too late and I'm going to develop brain cancer or something.... :/ Take in mind that I only surf the net and text on it. I don't call on it or anything. Also, I've heard BlackBerry's are one of the worst phones when it comes to emitting radiation and I use the BlackBerry everyday and a LOT during the day. Ugh. I'm scared and it's setting off my anxiety again. I so do hate health anxiety so much..

Can anyone assure me that I'm just being silly and nothing will happen to me?