So as I've posted before, noro is going round our school at the moment (FML) and I feel like I'm in the home straight, only 3 more days to go and I've survived all year, but today my friend went home ill. I don't know if it was noro because she was sniffing and sounded coldy but she also had a fever and wasn't making much sense, but now I'm paranoid that I've caught it, even though I've been really careful to wash my hands and not touch my face etc etc SORRY I'M RAMBLING

Anyway what I wanted to ask was is it possible to get noro and not v*? I've had SVs in the past and have just had really bad d*, when others who have had the same haven't V*d. But I was just wondering...can you?

And also, the horrible thing is that symptoms start '12-24 hours after infection', so that means 12-24 hours of worrying and being anxious and not is there any other way of telling, before that time frame, that you have it? Yeah...okay thanks for reading xxx