Hey guys,
This is my first post after reading many other users stories. I have had my wisdom teeth (3) removed by a oral and maxifillo surgeon 12 days ago. In the weeks leading up to the surgery I was prescribed 500mg amoxicillin, when that didn't work, 500mg amoxyl with clauvanic acid, when that didn't work 400mg metronidazole. Got my teeth out (out of state) and was prescribed 500mg cephalexim. I developed dry sockets in my 2 lower extraction sites and my local dentist packed them with alvogyl and gave me another script for metronidazole at the same strength (500mg). Last night I was in severe pain and went to the after hours gp, who prescribed me more amoxicillin. This is all within a 4 week period. The infection just isn't clearing up despite following oral hygiene and doctors orders to a tee. I've been told I can still smoke tobacco (due to quitting daily marijuana use 2 weeks ago and caffeine at the same time, to help battle my anxiety). Does anyone have any stories like this and if so does anyone have any advice on what I can suggest to the dentist/gp as they keep putting me on the same meds over and over and I believe I may have built up a resistance. I cannot see my surgeon and the dentists keep saying it will get better....but it's not. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated