So there have been quite a few facebook statuses and the like about people with noro over the past week, and people are saying 'ohhh yeah it's going around you know'. Well we have mock exams at the moment at school so it's about 130 people all in the sports hall at once, and today before one of them it was raining so everyone crowded into the entrance bit, literally you could not move for people it was so packed. Well it was only after this that I found out that one of my friends felt really really sick for loads of the day, like she was going to v*, and although she had gone home before the crowding of people it really got me worried that I've got it now.

Can noro be spread by breathing in the same air as infected people? And I know that symptoms don't usually start until 12-24 hours after infection, and it hasn't been that long yet, but seeing as I've been able to eat and not felt any symptoms at all apart from anxiety ones, is it likely that I've been infected with it?

I'm not so panicky yet...but I really really don't want it to get worse. Any general tips for avoiding noro?

Thank you so much,
