I've been using a range of different antiemetics over the last few months to help me with nausea in my second pregnancy. I've been using Promethazine (Phenergan) over the last couple of months which I have found really helpful. Just recently I've noticed that my nausea has begun to get worse and I'm struggling with eating. I went to see my Obstetrician yesterday and I explained how I am feeling. He has prescribed me Maxalon (Metoclopramide) which is a stronger medication and should help.

I took my first tablet yesterday evening whilst preparing tea. After half an hour I began to feel realy weird, incredibly anxious, agitated and as if I was about to have a bad panic attack. Whilst this was going on I physically felt like I couldn't anything but sit there, normally if I feel this way I try to distract myself but I couldn't even do this. It did after about an hour calm down, not really noticed any antiemtetic effets as i have only taken It once. I'm terrified of taking another one for feeling like I did last night but at the same time I need to take something to help me with my nausea.

Has anyone else experienced this?