I posted a thread last night talking about a "bug" I think I have, which is on it's 8th day now. The length is worrying but I'm not too sure anymore, so I want to know what all of you think?
Last thursday I went to college, after feeling sickish for about a week which is normal for me (I was PMSing). I got my period that day so I felt a little rough but nothing different. Anyway, I'd been avoiding college for a while because of my anxiety, and I had to stay behind to have a "talk" with my tutor, who was considering putting me on a gap year. I was ok with it but a little bit angry at myself a the same time. I got home, told my mum and we got into a MASSIVE argument. Then I had to go to my therapist for the weekly session, which ended in quite a serious talk about it. Then I stayed home fr a few hours because I had a couple of hours to kill before I went to work. During that time, while I was eating my boyfriend left me. I started to feel more and more angry and anxious and "overwhelmed". I went to work anyway and obviously I was feeling really panicky. About an hour into the show (I assist sound desk at this little gig thing) I went home because I felt genuinely sick and like i was going to pass out. As I was leaving my "boss" sort of thing told me the hospital radio I worked at was closing as well, so I was out of a job there. The next day I had a meeting with my tutors and psychologist together to see what my options at college were, which ended with going down to do the same subject but down one level, and part time, which I was happy with. Then I had to tell my dad which he kicked off as well. I went to my grandad's after that and felt a bit rough but not as bad as the night before. I managed to eat some pringles and a bit of food, but I had noticed I was eating less and losing my appetite. Later on that day, my friends, who were meant to be coming to a book signing with me (karl pilkington to be exact, my favourite baffoon!) cancelled out, and I had nobody else to go with, which I didn't need at that time. The next day, which was supposed to be the day of the signing, I felt even more sick, and it was my dad's birthday. I was feeling really fragile at that point. And my sister kept noticing some angry outbursts. I had a "bad stomach" that day as well: nausea, not quite diarrhea but frequent soft stools, no appetite at all and just an all over feeling of crap. What didn't help was that day it was my dad's birthday meal, which I ate a few chips of and felt sick. Didn't want any more, and I was REALLY on edge, like people were noticing. I kept going to the toilet as well because a. I was anxious and b. my stomach was churning.
Next day I felt more rough and sick, and refused a steak (which is not like me!) and even struggled to eat bacon and toast. Got through the bacon but felt sick after, didn't bother with the toast. I was so near to diarrhea at this point as well, and I'd started to feel warm.
On Monday I had a meeting with my psychologist again so I took an imodium to stop the bms, and I haven't used the bathroom for that reason since but I keep feeling like I need to. She said it sounded like a bug. And so did a nurse at this walk-in centre I went to, and she said it'd be gone in a few days. It got worse that night, I was struggling to eat anything at all, and got shakey and hot. Over the past few days it's been the same, feeling really sick, warm, whole body's aching and i'm slowly managing to eat bland things again but it's taking a long time. My appetite is coming back but I still can't tolerate much, and last night I woke up suddenly feeling really anxious, sick and gaggy, so I went to the toilet and kept managing to ward it off but I have noticed a LOT of sticky phlegm ove rthe past 2 days, which when i spit out the gaggy feeling goes away temporarily. I have been eating a LOT of extra strong mints though, because they help with the nausea.
Sorry for the long post but I'd like to hear your opinions, because I'm getting a bit bored of it now