I am about four months pregnant. I have OCD which is mostly based around the fear of vomiting. I have been dealing with this for a few years now, and have gone through intensive therapy. Since becoming pregnant i had to stop taking my anxiety medication as well as my mood stabilizer. That alone has made my OCD a lot worse but to make things even worse than that i was in my anatomy class yesterday and a lady who was sitting at the table next to me ran to the bathroom to throw up. She was telling us all about her daughter who had the stomach flu over the weekend. Now she went and threw up as well as came back in the class room and continued to run out of the room for over an hour. Finally she went home about two hours after the first time she got sick. I protected myself the best that i knew how. But ever since then i have been having very bad panic attacks and just waiting for my turn of the stomach flu to hit. i been reading about the incubation periods being 12-48 hours so im assuming after tonight ill be in the "clear" but then some websites have been saying up to TWO WEEKS. im losing my mind over here, and if anyone has any advice for me it would be greatly appreciated. i know its not good to be panicking while pregnant, but i cant control it. every time i feel the slightest bit of a stomach cramp i run to the bathroom thinking now is the time. i dont think i can live like this for another two weeks, let alone i dont know what im going to do if i do actually catch up. HELP!

- a pregnant desperate woman!