hey guys, havent really made any posts on this site but have followed it for quite sometime. i just wanted to share with everyone here that i finally am not afraid to be sick!

as a child i dont remember being afraid of being sick but some how the irrational fear of vomiting and viruses just somehow popped into my head around the age of 14. between the ages of 14 and 21 i lived in constant fear of catching something from someone...having crazy panic attacks whenever i heard someone was sick and just plain old freaking out like a nutbar. my fiance thought i was crazy and would get really scared whenever i thought i was going to be sick because i wouldnt talk and pace around the house. i was so jealous of him because i had seen him be sick on numerous ocassions and he would just man up, be sick and be done with it. i am now 22 years old and i honestly feel no fear about any sicknesses or actually being sick. it all started out with having my first baby. i remember when i first found out i was pregnant i freaked out thinking "noooo!!! im going to get the horrible morning sickness!!" because having seen my mother being horribly sick for all of her nine months of pregnancy with my brother and sister i thought i was doomed. well thankfully i only had a few bouts of nausea which was easily cured by gravol or tums. had to have an emergency csection and although i did think that i was going to get sick i didnt! baby puke never really bothered me so when my son would spit up it really didnt faze me. going back to december of 2011 i was hanging out with a few friends and i remember my one friend coming down the stairs holding her stomach saying "oh man, ive been puking and sh*tting" lol i remember thinking...oh grrrreat!!! but surprisingly i just really didnt care about it. two days later i was throwing my kid in his playpen and running to the bathroom! out both ends...gross! lol but hey i felt really great afterwards. was sick once more and had the runs for a lil bit longer but got through it surprisingly well. poor fiance came down with it and he was sick every 15 mins, dude just had the chuck bucket near his bed and trooped through it. said he didnt care. lol i was like holy crap!! anyways a few weeks ago i found out i was pregnant with baby number two. didnt freak out about the morning sickness or anything, was very excited and happy. a few weeks later while visiting my mother i wake up around 4am with a rumble in my stomach and bad heartburn. uh oh! run to the bathroom and let loose! constantly puking every 30 mins and to be honest it really didnt effect me and i felt great right after. this went on till about noon. after that i thought i was fine so i ate abit of food. yeah well that didnt last too long and that poor chicken fajita ended up in my mothers sink. through this whole thing though i was dealing with it tremendously well! i was so proud of myself! i ended up having the runs and throwing up once or twice a night for the next 5 days. the only time it really sucked for me was when i ate a hotdog with mustard on it and it burnt my throat so bad. plus i was pretty angry because i was having all these pregnancy cravings and would end up getting sick. it ended up being a stomach virus because my son got it, which again i had no problem helping him and cleaning it up. my best friend also got it and she was staying at my house and i wasnt scared or anything.

i know this was pretty long, and probably sounded a little crazy...but i just had to get on here and tell you all how im no longer afraid to be sick and how others being sick doesnt even phase me anymore!! i feel so proud of myself! i feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders! i feel like dancing lol. anyways i dont know how i "cured" myself...probably just being desensitized from the sv from hell but hey if thats what it took then i would do it all over again! i feel great and the emotional strain is gone and i couldnt be happier! thanks for listening to my story and i wish everyone the best of luck with dealing with their fears and if anyone every wants to chat then feel free to send me a pm because i will be there for support! thanks again!