I'm so sorry to post about my worries about bugs at work again but this is bad.

I'm worried because everyone is talking about illness at the moment. Now I know the general flu/bad cold has been going around and tons of people have had that. In fact today is the first day I'm back at work after having nearly a week off because of that virus. I felt terrible!

But there's a sickness bug and I know at least 3 people who have had\have it. There's loads of people off at work and it's the talk at the mo because we are so thin on the ground.

I know that I have to have good hygiene but I feel so worried because I'm coughing a lot and I don't know whether putting my hand near my face is a good thing plus I will probably have a weakened immune system from this flu.

What do I do? What do I take? So petrified