Hi there, I am new to this forum but I really was interested in what I saw. I have suffered from Emetophobia for 10 years and spend a lot of my time obsessing over it (as I'm sure you all do). I'm not sure of the forum rules so please forgive me if I mention anything I shouldn't. I am flying to New York in a few months (from London) and am really quite nervous about the flight/whole holiday really. I get so anxious on planes and have had several horrible panic attacks on flights and I would really love to find some medication to make sure I remain calm. As I'm sure you all are, I am very funny about taking medication due to any horrible side affects (and let's face it - practically all medications state that n***** & v******** are a common side effect). Does anybody have any medication they can recommend me that will calm my nerves and not make me feel (you know what)? I do plan on going to see my doctor and as much as I tell them I have Emetophobia and therefore do not want any medications that could make me s***/feel s*** - I just do not trust them as they have no idea how serious I feel about it! Any help/info would be hugely appreciated. Also, I'm sorry if I have posted in the wrong forum! Thanks.