Last night I came on my period and I'm experiencing the worst cramps I've EVER had!! I feel really sick with them too and I'm really scared! I had hardly any sleep because of it, the pain is horrible! I took paracetamol and had a hot water bottle neither eased it in the slightest!

Eventually I nodded off into a light sleep and I had a really disgusting vivid dream I was on the loo having really watery D and I was sat there knowing I has a stomach bug as well as a period and that I was going to V! The dream has scared me LOADS! Especially because when me and my bf were planing to go away over one weekend I had a dream he was sick while we were there so I kept putting off booking this hotel for a whole then eventually I realized I was being stupid, booked it all and then once we got there he came down with the SV in the night and was V-ing all night! I know I'm not psychic or anything but coz it was a dream I was so scared of and it happened I'm worrying about it again!!!!!!!

I've taken more paracetamol nothings helping this stomach ache and I'm really scared! I've been having periods since I was 9 and I'm now nearly 19 and never experienced pain this bad!!!!! And I'm not late on or anything and it's not even REALLY heavy it's just pretty normal! Arghh so worried