My daughter, 10 years old, was not feeling well this morning at church. Her stomach and head hurt. Husband took her home, she was feeling better when I got back from church. Played this afternoon, and now has some diarrhea, says her stomach hurts. I have been dealing with this fear of vomiting and getting sick for my entire life, I am 42 and I thought it might get better but it just gets worse. I am on Celexa and Temazapam, helps a little but I still am extremely EXTREMELY anxious and worried that she is going to throw up or that I will catch it. My husband always deals with the kids when they have stomach issues but he is gone today. I am quickly working myself into a tailspin of nerves and queasy stomach and don't know what to do to get myself out of it. What do you all do??? HELP! I hate being this way. I really do hate it.