Yesterday me and my bf decided to go somewhere random on a journey for a change *and stay in a hotel! We were both fine and had a lovely day and it was really nice. He had eaten through the day and been fine and felt fine, then at around 6.30 we ate out at Frankie and Bennys. He had a chicken wrap but because i have such bad emet I had half a plain cheese pizza. This was still all fine and he said his dinner was nice. Then we got back to the hotel and I started feeling funny and panicking I would be sick but I put it down to my usual anxiety and then over the hours I developed a sore throat and cough an my chest felt tight so thought maybe im just getting a cold(I can cope with that) but soon after we'd got in from tea he said his stomach hurt (which panicked me more) but he said he was fine.*

I began to panic less coz he didn't mention It again and we were all cuddled up in bed and kissing and stuff watching tv. Then at around 2am ish we had sex (sorry for the info) and he still seemed fine but like 5 mins after he said he felt really hot all of a sudden, went to open the window, blacked out and had to crouch on the floor then ran to the bathroom and threw up about 6 tines! This continued ALL night and morning and with bad D too! He said it was just water coming from both ends! He called his friend to pick us up to go home but I didn't want to be near him as awful as I felt coz I just couldn't! So I said I'd book in another room and make my own way home. But his friend didny come until hours after he said he would so I spent all night and morning in the hotel lobby on my own panicking!*

He's gone home now and I'm in my other hotel room.... But I'm so scared I'll either be sick in the meantime or on the train home (2 hour journey) coz he had no symptoms all day it just happened randomly!!! I cant obvs stay here forever! I need to get home but so scared of the travelling! And EVERYTHING! I'm terrified coz we were being so intimate all day!! Will I defo have it??! Are my chances of getting it higher or lower with the fact I already have a sore throat/cough too? (My Bf didnt) If I v I literally can't cope!!!!!!! Would rather die! Plus it was so bad for My bf last night even he was crying and had a panic attack he couldn't stop v so violently!!!!!!*

IM SO SCARED PLEASE HELP ME!!! And If I will have it when will it kick in??!!!*