Oh you guys....

As you remember I had the stomach flu on Thurs/Fri. Well Saturady Ifelt lots better as I'm sure you remember but then yesterday I felt sicker than I had felt thursday. It was back to the runs and the nausea...my god. I stood in front of the sink and begged myself to vomit, it was so bad that I actually wanted my worse fear to happen. But nope. Took some gravol and went to bed and then at 1 oclock I woke up feeling really ill. I woke my mom up (this was last nite) and puked all this red crap up into the sink. It really scared me cuz I thought it was blood (but it was just juice) but even while I was doing it I felt better. Today was up and down and just a few moments ago I dry heaved. I wanted to throw up because the nausea is so bad, it was so close, I mean, I felt it in my throat, it was like the gag was right there, but it didn't come. And I have the runs again too =( It feels like this will never end! I thought I was done with it, I mean, Saturday was back to normal, I was positive I was done with it...but nope. And I don't fear the actual act, I just fear, I guess the feeling that comes before it, and the not knowning. But I never thought I'd say this but it provides such immense relief!! I just don't want night to come because it'll probably mean throwing up again. I was all optimistic and all, but now, I just lost hope. The chances of me getting better is about as good as chance of the sky turning green and the grass turning blue. I've lost all hope and am down in the dumps. I haven't been at school since Wednesday, so Ive missed alot and I dread going back but I just can't right now. I hate this. There's no light at the end of the tunnel =(

Excuse me while I go to the toilet...

Words of encouragment please[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]