Today I woke up feeling fine so I made me two pieces of toast and ate but I didn't end up finishing my second piece (I thought nothing of it) my stomach was making weird loud noises and I ended up needing to go toilet and I had a little bit of D. Then at lunch time I went to visit my friends at school and they gave me some cookies and stuff because of valentines day, and I didn't to be rude so I ate them even though I wasn't hungry and my stomach felt really funny (not in a good way). When I got home I drank tons of water cause it was so hot outside. And I then I made me some dinner about 4 or 5 hours ago and forced myself to eat most of it. And now I feel horrible I tried sleeping but felt really nauseas and my stomach is still making noises. Im to scared to sleep EVERY time I try to lie down I feel nauseas and then I get scared. Please help I feel scared my dad tries to understand and says things he thinks will help but he doesn't know what its like living in constant fear every night.