Well, as I posted Sunday night, my boyfriend had the stomach bug pretty bad. Sunday night starting around 10:30 pm was his first signs of stomach problems, and he stopped V* at Monday morning around 6:30 am. After that he slept all day..little waves of nausea and stomach ache..but that ended around 2. He had a few bouts of D* for a day after that, but no stomach problems or nausea. He has been eating and feeling well since Tuesday.
Going about his life at work..etc.
But I have sanitized his entire bathroom , all our remotes, light switches, door handles..etc.
Washed our sheets on our bed..etc. I have not slept in the same bed with him since that dreadful night. I feel bad.
Last time I kissed him on the lips was Sunday night before he went to bed. UGH!!
I keep spraying Lysol now in his bathroom still...and on door handles etc.
I still wont let him kiss me.. Well, wait..I let him kiss my cheek this morning! LOL
I am STILL Dreading this bug getting me.
I dont know when I should be in the clear?? Are the germs in the air??
I am still washing my hands so carefully before I eat..that I am getting very obsessive.
I am letting this take over my life for the moment. I am stressed about it..but not as bad as the past few days.
Yesterday I just broke out in tears, because I am driving myself nuts.
I did another load of laundry yesterday, fearful I was cross contaminating clothes while washing them. UGHH.
It is now Thursday evening. First symptoms Sunday night.
Do you think I am coming out of the danger zone finally??
I am eating a little bit more today..because I am hungry now and cant take not eating.
The first day he was sick I ate a saltine cracker and peaches because I had no appetite while he was sick. LOL
I pray I am getting into the clear now... I just dont know.
I just keep spraying Lysol.. I feel like I am nuts. But you can never be too careful, right??