Hello everyone...can't tell you how thankful I am to have found this site!

My phobia has developed into one of being sick in public places. I used to fear being sick in general, but as the years have gone by naturally I've had stomach bugs and that has lessened my fear of v*ing itself.

However, I've actually got to the point where I am retching with fear when I'm in a social situation, but not actually v*ing anything. This has scared me more than anything, because up until recently, I haven't actually been physically sick. Sure, I've had the general symptoms of nausea, sweating and that feeling of panic, but I'm now actually making myself v* with total fear.

Example: I went to the cinema the other night and was fine until I'd parked the car. My friends and I were going to dinner beforehand and just as I walked over to meet them, I seemed to seize up. I had to sit down on the pavement and then I started to retch. It scared the life out of me...my boyfriend was sitting beside me and he didn't have a clue what to do. Then he started talking to me about it, and that just seemed to make it ten times worse. He must think I'm crazy. I went on into the restaurant and ordered a small meal, but worried the whole time about being sick again. When we got to the cinema I asked for a bag at the drinks counter, just in case. My feeling at this point was just one of total embarrassment. I ended up leaving the cinema halfway through the film just to make sure I was in a fit state to drive the car home...I knew if I left it any longer I would be sick again and wouldn't be able to drive.

I know if it carries on like this I won't be able to go out anywhere. It's going to ruin my relationships, my career and social life...I'm already worrying that it's going to cause a split between myself and my boyfriend. My family (while very understanding people) struggle to understand why I'm like this. I'm a sensible person, not hyper in any way, yet this chronic fear is turning me into some sort of loon.

Anyone have any similar experiences? I'd really love to have someone to talk to about this. I'd also love it if anyone had any suggestions as to how I could start dealing with this problem, ie treatments etc.
