So this is non-emet related... but I guess similar in the sense that I think it has to do with digestion.

Anyways... a couple days this week I have felt this very odd sensation in my lower abdomen. I'd describe it as the same place where my intestines and uterus are. It feels like a fluttering/pulsing sensation. It's been happening at varying intervals all day today... and I'm curious as to what it is. I don't think its the abdominal artery, as this movement does not coincide with my heartbeat at all. It happens pretty randomly, but the feeling is significant. It feels like what I imagine a moving fetus to feel like. If you put your hand on my lower abdominal area when it happens, you can feel it! Odd I know...

Just to clear it up, I am NOT pregnant. I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a month!

I'm guessing it's my IBS, but I can't be sure. Anyone else experience this ever? Anyone have any idea what it might be? I'm not freaked out... I just want to know what this odd sensation means.