So, yesterday I was in my gym class and our teacher made us to all this crazy stuff and so afterwards, i was talking to this one kid and in the middle of our conversation, he just.... all over the floor. I turned around immediately and started hyperventilating and crying. I finally made it into the locker room and wouldn't come out for a long time. I just sat and shook and cried. Not only was I completely embarrassed for myself, I just couldn't take it. I haven't v* since 1st grade and I haven't seen it since 3rd. After a long time, the teacher wanted to see me. He made fun of me for being freaked out by the kid getting sick. I had to practically beg him to let me go to the nurse!
Anyways, I still can't eat and the picture of what happened keeps running through my mind. I dream about it... and it's all i can think about.
How can I get it out of my mind and how can I feel better?