Hello everyone! I came across this site a few weeks ago and have been lurking since! I've been dealing with Emetophobia for just under 3 years now. It was brought on by an intense week of n*, and since then it's become a phobia. I had never really thought of v* until that week because it had been since I was very young that I had v*. And since then I have become very aware of any blah feeling I may get in my stomach. And I often times make myself feel n* by just worrying. It has become a real problem. During the active season I even go as far as to sleep on the couch "just in case" my Husband were to v*. I avoid kissing even. I refuse to use public restrooms, and add bleach to my hand sanitizer gel. I avoid eating out, especially food that doesn't require cooking. And I try not to go to friends homes where children are present since it seems kids catch it more often then adults. My Husband tells me all the time that I need therapy, and I don't disagree. But I think I am just too ashamed to get help!

Right now I am visiting family and my Dad came down with some d* and bad pain in his stomach. It has been over 24 hours since he first started feeling this way. He has kept himself in his bedroom and is using only his bathroom. But I am still very nervous about catching it. As far as I know he has not v*, but I try to not ask too many questions since my family does not know about my fears. I can't help but worry though! I thought April was supposed to be the end of this awful season! I was just starting to be a little more relaxed in public and such.

Thanks for listening! And anything encouraging you can tell me is VERY welcome!