So this weekend, my husband and I decided to take a night to ourselves, which we haven't done since my son was born almost 9 months ago. My parents watched him Saturday night while we went to dinner, then a casino nearby and then stayed in a hotel. I'm a stay at home Mom so my son doesn't go to daycare so really the only exposure he has to other kids is when we go to my parents' house and my sister is there with her three kids. So Saturday when we went to drop him off at my parents', my Mom said she had my youngest niece because my older niece and nephew were at a birthday party. Ok, no big deal. When we got there, they were ALL there. Of course it made me nervous because they were just at a birthday party at an arcade with a bunch of other kids who could potentially have the dreaded sv that's going around. We went to dinner and the casino and the hotel and we were fine. I forgot about it. Then we went to pick up our son Sunday and my youngest niece and nephew were there because my oldest niece was at a swim meet. I was a little nervous about it, but since they didn't seem sick, I was fine. So today is my nephew's birthday so I called to wish him happy birthday. I talked to him for a minute and my sister got back on the phone and I asked if he had gotten his gifts from our parents yet. She said no, they hadn't been over, because Friday, her husband had the sv, then one of them had it Sunday, then Monday, and my sister was off work today cause she had it last night. And now my Mom doesn't feel well today.
So my last exposure to any of them was Sunday. None of them were showing symptoms, even though I'm pretty sure she said one of them was s* Sunday. I zoned out because when she said "stomach thing" I started freaking out and wasn't really paying attention. So Sunday was the last time I was around any of my family. It's Wednesday. Do you think I would have been s* by now??? I've felt fine. I think it was Monday night I felt kind of yucky, but I just figured it was my IBS. No n* or anything. Just gassy.
So what do you think? 3 days, almost 4, since I've been around them??? Am I in the clear???