I ate at mcdonalds on tuesday. I had a mcchicken, fries and a dr.pepper. I felt completely fine until i got on the bus. about 2 blocks into the ride, i started getting really n* and my stomach contents kept coming into my throat and i kept burping. i got off of the bus and came extremely close to v* as i walked off the bus. i sat on the curb and took a bunch of deep breaths(which usually calms me down so im not as n*) but it made it worse so i tried walking and i was panicing so bad that i passed out. the next thing i knew, i was in an ambulance!!!! ahhhh. im 8 months pregnant, so they automatically assumed it was something to do with my pregnancy. i begged them for some zofran and to let me go home. they gave me the zofran, but kept me in the hospital for 3 hours because they didnt believe that i wasnt having contractions and that i just sometimes panic to the point of my body shuting down. (happens every time im alone and n*) it was the closest ive ever been to v* since my last episode. it was terrifying and im NEVER eatting mcdonalds again!!!