.....been feeling queasy all day (I hate it when I feel like this) - so all I can think of today is the dreaded v*. I made myself eat tea and felt OK (ish) whilst eating, but now am fretting - I agree with everyone who says that it's always worse at night. For me it's because you have the most food in your stomach in the evening, whereas earlier in the day you have less. I also agree that I tend to associate v*ing with night-time.

Anyway, I've just made an appt to see the GP (again) tomorrow, and in the meantime I've taken 6mg of Valium (which was given to me so I could get on a plane for my hols!!) - does anyone else use meds to calm them during an active anxiety stage? (I won't call it panic attack as it's not that in it's classic form - just a kind of quiet terror).

I don't know what I'm going to say to GP - she's not my normal one (I saw her to get the Valium and she was lovely) - my normal GP is a bit "pull yourself together"........

Waffling now, just feeling a bit crappy today......thanks for listening......Edited by: SarahB