If you've read any of my other posts, I keep mentioning that my exams start in three weeks. I have my German oral first, then eight days later, THE BIG ONE, English. Our English scores come first when they work out our final ENTER scores (the scores that determine whether you make your tertiary courses or not). The exam goes for three hours and we have to write three essays. It will probably come as no surprise that I have a problem with this because I tend to write too much and therefore can't do anything within a time limit. The German oral is terrible for everyone, and although I have a bit of an advantage in that my German is a lot better than most people in the state, I keep imagining myself v*ing all over the examiner and then failing. I never used to get n* during panic attacks or when extremely stressed, but I had to go home before the second last English essay SAC (test) because I was practically lying on the floor hyperventilating and trying not to v*, and felt really n* before the last one.

My English teacher also told us about how when she was doing her VCE English exam, the person behind her v*ed all over the desk. It was a really detailed account and I couldn't believe she told us because I'd told her about my emet when she asked me why I'd had to skip the SAC! Inconsiderate!

Anyway...that was some background info (see what I mean about writing too much?) What can I do before those two exams so that I don't v*. Of course, ideally I don't want to panic at all, but the worst thing would be to v*, because I'd get kicked out and fail the exam and humiliate myself in front of all 300 Year 12s. Naturally all this adds to my anxiety and it's a vicious circle...

I looked up Rescue Remedy and read that its effectiveness is largely a placebo effect, so surely if I know it doesn't work I won't even benefit from that? Oh, and apparently it contains brandy...would I then be slightly intoxicated in the exam, lol?

Apart from RR I don't know what else to try...I haven't time to go to the doctor or anything now; I have to rely on quick fixes. My dad suggested meditation, but I'd rather not do breathing exercises, etc. in front of everyone at school...

Any advice? I'm so preoccupied with this that I'm barely even studying for the exams, which means more stress! Help!