In February, if I get into the course I want, I will have to move out of home. I've applied at two universities, one in Sydney and one here in Melbourne. If I stay in Melbourne I'll at least be able to go home on the weekend. I've applied for self-catered accommodation because I can't stand the thought of sitting in a dining hall twice a day, with people watching me eat and the risk of hundreds of people contracting fp at once. But how am I going to cope, even if I cook for myself? I went to Open Day the other day and took a tour of the residential colleges and most of the students said they have cooking rosters. If I just lock myself in my room and refuse to help the other people on my floor (I'm quite happy to help them clean up afterwards - yay OCD - but I'm not going to eat the food they cook) I'll look weird and antisocial. PLEASE don't tell me I should be seeing someone about my emet before I move out or whenever. There's no other option and I will be seeing someone when I've finished Year 12 and I can start treatment properly. I realise moving out will only make my problems worse.

Anyway, how did you guys cope with moving out for the first time? Did you put it off? Get worse? Get better? Horror stories? Success stories? Advice? I don't mind telling people about my emet - I'd rather they know why I behave strangely and think that's odd than just not knowing and thinking I'm weird for another reason. Did you live in shared accommodation and have to tell people?

I'm really looking forward to moving out - I'm at that age, haha - but this is casting a huge black cloud over everything![img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]