
For the first time, I've been living on my own and I think I've fared pretty well for the first week!

I got a case of D* and panic'd and thought I was about to V* when I just said to myself: This is all in your head, stop it!. And kept repeating that and before I knew it that feeling of V* was gone.

Being alone has made me realize how germophobic I am...Today to test myself I cooked with eggs for the first time (I'm terrible at cracking them too haha) and I cleaned everything like 6 times. Including my poor hands.

I feel I've done really well but now im terrified about these eggs...the cake is in the oven so my cake will be fine...but what about when I cracked the eggs and got like egg all over my hands and stuff...

I washed my hands but im slightly worried I've cross-contaminated something and didn't realize it...

what do you guys think about the eggs :S?
How do you guys fare being on your own (aimed at the older emets)?