hi everyone.

first I'd like to say my name is kyle! and.. iv had emetophobia for as long as i can remember. I'll try not to repeat what most have said.

i am from the UK, and I'm 18 years old, i just realized writing this that i am 19 soon, which iv completely forgotten about because of the stress this problem brings.

i hate to know i have this phobia, personally, i wish i could swap it with another phobia. i (in my humble opinion) believe i have the worse version of emetophobia.. which is fearing YOUR SELF vomiting. i really struggle knowing i have this problem. its hard to beat i believe, i don't see how you can practice and slowly over come a phobia you cant actually see.. but impossible to avoid feeling.

i have only discovered this year that my problem actually had a name (which brought some relief , to know im not alone) but to also make me feel worried about lack of cure or convincing help!

has anyone tried or found anything to help, medications. rituals even.. has anyone found any websites and tried there support, the linden method anyone?

currently, i cant tell how severe or mild my emetophobia is. i think my pannick and fear level is quite high when it comes to actually feeling nausea, and possibly being sick.

iv had two periods in my life when this problem really over took me, at 15, i was 5 stone, because i had the worse feeling of nausea iv ever had so far in my life, i was so scared of feeling that way again, that i stopped eating for 3 weeks, and lost this weight, be for i could slowly start to eat again, and trust my stomach.

at that time i was housebound, all ways with anxiety, and did a lot of the things emetophobics do.

when i recovered to a good extent, i wasn't worried about going outside, or vomiting, or others vomiting (i don't really fear seeing others vomiting, unless i feel sick already, and iv eaten the same food they did that could have made them sick).

but i have never been 100% cured, iv only gained a normal weight, eat without problems, but i never conquered the problem fully, and definitely not socially. i still struggle to eat outside, or from other peoples food, and especially at tables with the pressure of "Finnish everything off the plate".

after having a recent case of mild-quite bad nausea, i have been put in the grips of emetophobia again slightly, but fortunately I'm okay right now, but not cured or happy with the fact i have this problem. now i know the name of this problem, and there is possible help, I'm determined to beat it, I'm sure its possible with enough determination.

iv not been on a plane or anything since my first major episode of this problem taking over, which was 2000-2001.

sorry that this is sucha long post, but i thought i would get everything out with my introduction.

im happy to talk to anyone about this problem, and vent to eachother, but remember to not get too negetive, it can make us worse right? thats why im not gonna read too much of everything on this forum.

thanks to anyone who took there time to read some, if not all of my post, thank you.

kyle [img]smileys/smilies_45.gif[/img]

Edited by: kyle1989