I'm 24 years old and in my opinion, waaaaaaaaay too young to be experiencing hot flashes, but the weirdest thing has been happening to me. A few weeks ago, I had this cold and it finally went away after a week or so. Anyway, not sure it's related or not, but I also had gotten done with my period around the time I had gotten over it (sucked...pms + a runny nose?? ugh).

So, soon after, I started experiencing something weird. I'll just be sitting around. Sometimes it's after a shower, sometimes it's after I walk to a room where I had a space heater running (as I keep the heat on low most of the time), or sometimes I'll just be sitting at work. In fact...I'm at work and it's startint to happen right now.

My cheeks start getting super warm...Almost a tingly hot feeling creeps over them and it looks like I smacked my face a few times or something. It lasts anywhere from 10-20 minutes before going away. And if I check my temperature during this period of time, it appears I'm running a slight fever, usually in the high 98s and low 99s (I usually run 96.5-97.5F). I don't really sweat or feel warm anywhere else but my face and I can't stand it. It's a bit uncomfortable. And just to note, when it happens, I'm not necessarily even having a panic attack.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this. Or if this sounds likehot flash of sorts?? I'm on birth control, nuvaring.