Anyone have any coping strategies for all of the side effects of being an emet?

Eating smaller, frequent meals helps, especially earlier in the day or
early evening. It's easier to sleep when most of the food is

Eating celery helps a lot with nausea, as a preventative. Pull
the strings off if you don't like them. I swear this works, but
you have to eat it well before a panic attack, not in the moment!

Don't drink pop or caffinated/carbonated beverages at night.

I take an Actifed sinus pill if I think I'll be nervous going out to
eat. It relaxes me enough that I don't get too worried, thus
reducing the self-induced n*.

Pilates is a good exercise program that's relaxing and effective.

Keep the house cool at night for sleeping- I've noticed a connection between feeling too hot and emet attacks.