hey guys, i'm a new member here. my name is ashley, as you can tell by my username. i'm 17 and a senior in high school.i joined because i can relate to you guys and your fear of vomiting. i believe i have a similar thing. it's not so much vomiting that i'm scared of, but more the feeling of nausea and thinking that i'm going to throw up. it makes me so uncomfortable and scared!

i don't really remember when this all started. i know that i always hated it as a child. one time i felt nauseous, and my mom was giving me ice water and telling me not to worry, but i remember freaking out and being so scared. nothing ever happened. if i ever go out in public and feel nauseous, i don't know what to do! there'll be times when i feel nauseous and start dry heaving, and it makes me so scared and upset. i think i get myself worked up and anxious, and it actually causes me to feel sick.

one time, i was sleeping over my best friend's house. all day my stomach had felt weird, but i wasn't sure why. i'd had a stomach virus a few months before, and i know you can't get that twice in one year, and it wasn't near the time of my period. that night, i began feeling REALLY sick. after awhile, i had to have my mom come and bring me home because it was bothering me so much. once i was home, i gagged a few times but then went to bed and was fine. i felt stupid for having to leave, but the thought of throwing up in her house was making me insane! i get so worried whenever i feel nauseous anywhere, but especially when it's not home.

stomach viruses make me go crazy, too. whenever someone i know has one, i lose it! i start washing my hands repeatedly and not touching anything they touch. i'm even worried now: a couple people i work with have the virus, and although i don't work at the same times as some of them, they are using the same workplace as me, and it could be in the air. i don't know if it's just me, but i've been feeling kinda strange all day and my stomach hurts a little bit. i just hope this goes away, cause if i get the virus, i don't know what i'll do!

this place is such a relief. i really didn't know as many people were like me. everyone acts like i'm overreacting and worrying about nothing, but this is a big deal for me! thanks for being here