well the other day i was watch some movie on tv and one of the characters was going out drinking and came home V* like crazy and it showed it...i honestly use to be so bad about any V* no matter what, animals, kids, mine, or on tv...but lately i have been pretty good about seeing it on tv only because i tell my self it isnt real...weird i know...but this time i saw it and i started dry heaving...it could be because i am more sensitive because i am pregnant but i tell ya it was horrible for me...and i just couldnt seem to find the remote quick enough, the sounds and everything were just horrific. i ran to the bathroom to get away from it...but i didnt actually V*, i gaged more than anything, but it has been one of my worse times since the ms with my pregnancy...is this just weird that i am starting to have the fear of seeing the V* on tv like i use to a long time ago?? Edited by: loveable101