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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Recently I have been in several situations where there was alcohol present, and I'm kinda wanting to start drinkingoccasionally. I'm really scared to though, 1) because I don't know much about drinking and 2) because when I have drank recently it has given me bad d* and nausea so that's scary.

    Here's a little history of my drinking: before I had my son at 19, I could drink a lot. I could drink liquor in large amounts and NEVER have a hangover, pass out, v*, nothing. Never really drank beer, I think it tastes bad.

    After I had my son, I didn't drink for a couple years. It was actually last October when I drank again, and I had a shot of a "mudslide" or something and some of a fuzzy navel. I was fine. Drank again in December, had 2 beers and had AWFUL d* and nausea for the next 24 hours. Drank again last month, a couple sips of a margarita wine cooler that didn't taste good, and had the d* and nausea just as bad as the night I drank the beer.

    So here's some questions:

    Can certain brands of beer/certain liquors make you have d* and nausea more than others? Just depending on what your body likes?

    What is a good drink for me to order if I go to a bar? Something that maybe won't upset my belly too much, maybe won't have a lot of alcohol or combination of alcohols? Remember, I don't drink a lot and am pretty small, barely 100 pounds. It wouldn't take much.

    Is there anything to do to prevent a hangover/d*/nausea when drinking?

    Is there any general info I should know about drinking? I am retarded when it comes to alcohol.

    I'm not looking to become an alcoholic here, just want to be able to drink socially and not look like an idiot or be sick/panicked about getting sick. Thanks everybody!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    there are a few general guide lines

    first of all, if you have no intentions of getting drunk, they say to have 1 alchoholic beverage per hour, and drink a glass of water in between.

    eat a big meal before going out, as an empty stomach will cause the absorption rate to go faster.

    stay away from salty food, as salt tends to dehydrate you. the symptoms you get from alcohol arn't from the alcohol itself, but from the dehydration effects of it.

    I love long island ice teas, ammeretto sour, and sex on the beach's. yummy. stay awayyyyyyyyyy from mikes hard lemonade. lol. I don't know how it will affect you but it kills me.

    your post just inspired me to go grab a beer!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Can youorder a wine cooler at a bar? Or can they only make you drinks? I like those Smirnoff wine cooler things. That would probably be a safe play for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    I would stay away from the mike's mark or smirnoff ices too- not only because they don't taste like they have much alcohol so it's easy to overdo it, but they are teeming with sugar, which I know for me in excess can give me a major headache, or make my hangover worse.

    As for a good drink- I would say rum and coke, or rye and coke or ginger ale. Most bars water them down, so there usually ends up being less than a shot in each drink. If you want a girlie drink, try a sling, which has an orange juice base, or like babydoll said a sex on the beach. As long as you stick with one type of alcohol, and 1 drink an hour as suggested, you will be fine. I only drink wine or beer when going out myself- and I'll usually stick with a light or low carb beer because I find it easier on the system (and it doesnt make me really bloated so I can drink more, lol).

    As for preventing or managing a hangover- I eat something carb-loaded, like toast or oatmeal, before bed with a massive glass of water. If you feel kinda shaky in the morning- fluids, fluids, fluids! And believe it or not a big hearty breakfast helps- really. Always makes me feel 10x better.

    Whatever you do, don't take an antiemetic. Even if you don't think you have consumed a lot of alcohol- your system may think otherwise, and need to get rid of it. By preventing yourself from vomitting you can be doing severe damage to your internal organs.


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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    just remember that after you drink alcohol. Get a bottle of gatorade, and you'll feel fine the next day

    that works for me.. its worth a try
    I use to have really bad emet...
    but i still go drinking.
    Joined in 2006. For all those that have helped me I hope I can offer some help for those who seek it now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United Kingdom


    i read in a magazine and have been told my various people that vodka is the lightest drink on your stomach because its purest or something like that.

    whenever i go out drinking i only ever hav vodkas and cokes now and they never hav made me feel sick or hav a hangover if i just drink that, where as wen i hav drunk other drinks with or just others, i hav felt sick from them.

    i hav got drunk many times on vodka and never felt ill the nxt day from them [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    hope that helps[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    rhi xxxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Really- vodka? That is the one thing I stay away from because it completely kills my stomach. I used to drink vodka and cranberry juice, or vodka and coke, but it always made me feel nasty afterwards- I thought the first time I vomitted from it, it was a fluke. After the second time, when I drank a lot less and stillgot sick, I decided that vodka wasn't for me.Most of my friends have had bad experience with vodka- I don't say that I know anyone in my circle who has it as their drink of choice.

    *shrugs* different systems I guess.

    Veebum- good suggestion on the gatorade. Going to make sure I buy a bottle at the convenience store next time I go out.....which is tomorrow night! lol (martini night)


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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Hey Falon, that happend to me to. There was a point where I could drink quite a bit, and not feel sick or hungover the next day. Then all of the sudden, I would have a couple of drinks, and I would be atthe point were I had to quit drinking, and the next day I would be horribly hungover. Now, I try to drink things that don't have alot of sugar in them because it only makes the hangover worse and I drink some water in between drinks. Vodka, water and bar lime is a pretty good drink, Rye (or Whiskey) and coke, and my all time favorite is White Russian. The milk in this drink coats your stomach.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Hi Falon:

    I don't like getting drunk or trashed. I used to, but not anymore. In my opinion, it's a waste of the next day b/c of hangovers and what not. For some reason, I don't like it when people "get trashed" just to "get trashed". It's like their goal for the night or something. I totally understand though that when people go to parties and what not, they kind of forget how much they have actually had until it all of a sudden hits them. My best advise is to drink until you feel "so relaxed". Not even dizzy. Just very relaxed. I love that little buzz feeling. I love wine. It usually only takes me two glasses to feel that way. As far as getting drunk, I don't like it anymore. It's just not worth it to me.
    xoxo Mel xoxo

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    set if free,
    If it comes back to you,
    it is yours.
    If it does not,
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I don't think I've ever actually been drunk, and I plan to stay that way. I hate to say it, but i'd rather be high any day. Its not an everyday thing for me, but once every few months its great. its the only time my anxiety is completely gone.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Babydoll- if it wasn't for certain recreational drugs I wouldn't get any work done [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]. My vote is definitely for legalization!

    As for getting trashed- I never go out with the 'intention' to get completely s***faced, it just ends up being the byproduct of certain celebrations. My birthday for instance. After getting horribly ill on my 23rd birthday due to drinking more than should be humanly possible, I vowed that 24 would be different. Only had one glass of wine before going out, and picked a bar that plays great music and has a dancefloor. BUT- then a lot of friends showed up- and they all felt it was their responsibility to buy me a drink. LOL, and like I could say no to free alcohol.....so needless to say I looked quite rough at work the next morning. But then I continued to feel worse and went to the clinic and it turned out I had strep. So maybe it wasn't a hangover after all...Hmmm....

    I used to be able to drink- a lot. I think that I actually peaked my last year of highschool. But then I lost alot of weight, and it's almost like my body forgot what to do with alcohol. I think a retraining program is in order!


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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I always drink Vodka and Cranberry juice, that's like MY DRINK. I don't drink to get drunk, I was drunk only once in my life and I got so sick from it that I decided NEVER to get that drunk again. On my 21 birthday I went out to a strip club with a friend of mine and had a vodka and Cranberry juice and 4 shots of Bacardi. After that I felt pretty buzzed but I wasn't drunk. I stopped right there cause there was no way I was going to get sick.

    I guess some alcohol is different for different people. I drink Mike's Hard Lemonade like all the time and it doesn't do anything bad to me, but some people on here have a hard time with it. You sort of have to experiment with what's good for you and what's not. I would suggest Vodka And Cranberry juice, but others may not. Just drink till your head is a little "Swimy". I check this by shaking my head and seeing if it makes me dizzy or not...LoL...that's my method. Have fun and don't drink too much.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
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    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    I just wanted to say to be careful w/ the types of drinks you get if they are mixed.. Usually if a drink has 3 different alcohols in it.. then it counts as 2 or 2.5 drinks... Yur body will also develope a tolerance to alcohol over time, but your Blood Alcohol content will always remain the same... so even though you may feel like you're fine, you may not be.

    I find that the sweet drinks are the worst drinks for causing a heachache in the morning.. and agree w/ everyone that sticking w/ the same type of alcohol is helpful, along w/ drinking plently of water and takeing 2 aspirin or tylenol before bed.
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United States


    THe only drink I can drink these days is anything mixed with Vodka- and not well Vodka. It has to be at least Absolut.

    Beer always gives me the sh***
    Wine makes me sick - horrible hang over
    Margaritas are delicious, but killer the next day.

    You want to stay away from the real fruity drinks - they will make you sick.

    Also - drink a bottle of water and take 2 ibuprofen before you go to bed. It's like magic.

    I agree with whoever said to eat something carb loaded. Bread, tortillas, etc.

    Of course, never drink on an empty stomach.

    For someone your size, I think 2-3 drinks in a 5 hour evening would be PLENTY. Remember that there is a lag time from when you finish your drink to when you "feel" it. I tend to have a problem remembering that.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Sorry to refute what Tayda andAguerra have said:

    Whatever you do don't take acetominophen (tylenol).The combination of alcohol + acetominophen could do serious liver damage. That, and apparently aspirin and ibuprophen aggravates an already upset stomach. I asked a few pharmacists about it a few years ago, and was warned against them.

    This is from health 911:

    While painkillers will provide immediate relief, they can cause problems for the kidneys and liverwith long-term use. See our headache section for more ideas. Aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Ibuprin, Motrin IB, Nuprin)are hard on your stomach (may promote gastrointestinal bleeding), while acetaminophen (Excedrin, Panadol, Tylenol)is hard on your kidneys andliver, too, which will be working overtime processing the alcohol. Excessive use of acetaminophen can lead to kidney failure and irreversible liver damage. Ibuprofen can lead to kidney damage when taken in large doses over prolonged periods.

    If you do a search for acetaminophen and alcohol, you would be amazed at the results- scary stuff! If you want to take something, most sites suggest multivitamins and Bvitaminsto replenish what you are losing due to dehydration (and excessive peeing, lol).


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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    hmm.. I never knew that crim.. I mean, I knew that if you took acetamiophen, and IBpro that neither were good in large quantities and that they could cause serious intenal damage... I hardly ever drink anymore.. but on such events as New Years or Christmas, I've always relied on my have a few, drink some water, take 2 IBpro's and be get some rest...

    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...



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